Some car accident settlements are easier than others, as any skilled automobile accident lawyer will tell you. If you are in a crash where the other driver was entirely at fault, you could get a faster and larger settlement.
The other driver’s insurance company
will probably know that you could get a lot of money if it goes to trial, so it
might be best to settle fast.
But if you may have been partially at
fault for the accident, you will need the best automobile accident lawyer to help you get the best settlement. When you are partially at fault
for the accident, the other insurance company will argue aggressively that you
are more at fault than their driver.
Your automobile accident lawyer will
carefully review the evidence about the crash and determine how to reduce your
liability for the accident if possible. Many insurance companies have a process
for disputed fault negotiations, so talk to your attorney about how to proceed
with that particular insurance company.
It always is best to rely on your
personal injury attorney if the accident has contested fault. Handing this kind
of case on your own will cause a lot of problems. And you are less likely to
get as much money. Without a good attorney, the other insurance company may
even blame you entirely, so it’s always best to bring in the best attorney you
can find.