Friday, April 5, 2024

How Can You Help Your Wrongful Death Lawyer?

If your loved one was killed in an accident because of someone’s negligence, you may have hired a Portland wrongful death lawyer. Your attorney will review the case and determine if you have the right to receive damages if another person caused the death.

First, you should speak to a Portland wrongful death lawyer as soon as possible after your loved one dies. A wrongful death case is complicated and it takes a lot of evidence and time to prove that another person was responsible for the deceased’s death. You only have three years from the date of the death to file a claim, but sooner is always better.

Second, you should always tell the truth to your Portland wrongful death lawyer. Sometimes the family doesn’t tell the entire story to their attorney because they think it could affect their compensation. Maybe the deceased was partially at fault for the accident. Even if that is the case, you should always tell the full truth to your lawyer. Your attorney can build the case with any weak points in mind if they know about them well in advance. The case could be ruined if the Portland wrongful death lawyer is blindsided by something during settlement negotiations.

Third, you should not talk about the case with anyone other than your immediate family and your attorney. You may be tempted to talk about the case to the media or post online. Doing so is always a mistake. You could say something that damages your case, such as talking about the deceased being partially at fault. It is preferable to not say anything publicly about the case until it is resolved in court or through a settlement. 

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